Mergers and Acquisitions Services

Microcap Advisors is an expert on the advantages of mergers and acquisitions for a small public company. Finding and evaluating the right companies for an acquisition or merger is a science in itself. There are multiple factors involved and rely on information, knowledge and experience. Strategic analysis and planning are critical due to the hard nose nature of negotiations involved in an acquisition or a merger.

A successful public offering will increase a company's valuation leading to a variety of opportunities for mergers and acquisitions. With the ability to raise additional capital by returning to the public markets for another offering, a public company is better able to finance a cash acquisition. Of importance to is the use of stock to facilitate an acquisition. Once a company is public and a market for its stock is established, the stock can be considered as valuable as cash when acquiring other businesses.

A public company also has the advantage of using the market's valuation when exchanging stock in an acquisition. SEC disclosure requirements offer merger candidates the assurance of shareholder scrutiny and accurate reporting of the financial condition or solvency of the public company. Using stock to acquire another company can be easier and less expensive than other methods.

Additionally, many private firms do not appear on the radar screen of potential acquirers. Being public makes it easier for other companies to notice and evaluate the firm for potential synergies.

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About Microcap Advisors

Founded in 2013, Microcap Advisors has long been recognized for advising small companies in multiple industries to achieve success and growth. We specialize in strategic corporate development, financial analysis, and in-depth reporting of the processes that drive a business and allow our clients to make better, more informed strategic decisions in the areas important to them.

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Microcap Advisors's mission is to provide the highest quality service to its clients.

Business opportunities grow in size and complexity; advisory relationships are more important than ever and need to be based on trust and respect. We pride ourselves on our work ethic, ability to deliver, and our track record of successes.

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    Los Angeles, CA 90071